by Norm | Sep 19, 2024 | nerds, podcast
Grimhaw, Suel and Pepper head to the Echo Ridge Mine, tasked by Marshall McBride to make it safe again. But what will they find there? Can they survive? WATCH LIVE: Twitch Suel:
by Norm | Sep 12, 2024 | nerds, podcast
Norm, JC, Kooch and Genius site down and chat about the future of 2 Nerds 1 Quest without Rick. Decisions are made and a new path will be forged on Sunday, September 15. Join them as they begin a new adventure in the Dungeons and Dragons platform. Wanderer’s...
by Norm | Jul 18, 2024 | nerds, podcast
Sneaking through the mansion isn’t as easy as the team thinks it is. What’s the best place to hide? How bout behind the curtains. Wanderer’s Guide: Live Stream:...
by Norm | Jun 27, 2024 | nerds, podcast
Journeying through the mansion, the team is cautious, for the most part. Can they make their way out and to safety without getting caught? Wanderer’s Guide: Live Stream:...
by Norm | Jun 13, 2024 | nerds, podcast
A group of adventurers awaken to find themselves trapped in an ever shrinking cell. How did they get there? How are they going to get out? And who the hell lost an arm? Wanderer’s Guide:
by Norm | May 26, 2024 | nerds, podcast
Spores can be very deadly. How deadly? Just ask the team as a group of mushrooms pop up and block the way. There’s a ghoul who makes tattoos and eats it,When disturbed, he freaks out and says, “Beat it!”Kain tries hard to parlay,But gets paralyzed anyway.Now we must...
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