Pathfinder Session 26: The Tale Of Barnabus The Slurk

The team heads back to town and takes a well deserved rest after a long day of battles. After a much needed drink, they set about potentially upgrading and improving their equipment. Will fortune shine upon them as they head back to the lighthouse? The scribe-master...

Pathfinder Session 23: #FreeTheAction

Coming up on 2 Nerds 1 Quest: That’s a joke…I LIke It. Devil Guard is Tired, So Tired. Let’s Play Kick The Flesh. Chris Jericho Entrance Door. Snort It Coward! BITE ME! I’m delicious. The team goes from one encounter to the next with the fury...

Pathfinder Session 22: Be The Meat In The Taco

Exploration proves entertaining as the group collects another “person” to help them out, but will they prove to be useful? This is the tale of Barnabus the SlurkSpending his day in the mud and the murkA javelin on his noseWhile people come and they...

Pathfinder Session 21: Like An Autopsy Done With A Rake

After the fight, the team decides to look around before concluding it would be in their best interest to head back to town for the night to rest up. While there they decide the next course of action would be to finish looking through the boathouse.  Clearing...