by Norm | Sep 24, 2023 | nerds, podcast
Everyone likes Brownies…right? Does the team like them enough though, that is the question. Exploration proves profitable, albeit a bit dangerous. When Abed saw lights on the pierHe decided he had to get nearBut off of the dockHe fell like a rockAnd got soaked...
by Norm | Sep 17, 2023 | nerds, podcast
The crew does a bit of exploring with mixed success and Abed goes for a swim. Wanderer’s Guide: (Abed Klatch): (Crew):...
by Norm | Sep 10, 2023 | nerds, podcast
The…Crew…heads back to town for some much needed rest and time to regroup, formulating a plan. Everyone does their part to ensure success the next time they enter the Gauntlight. Will it be enough? Possibly. Will they try really hard not to die? Probably....
by Norm | Sep 3, 2023 | nerds, podcast
After defeating the scorpion, the team does a bit of searching before coming to the realization that nothing is going to come easy in this lighthouse. The only saving grace is the knowledge of being close to town with warm soft beds and a few tankards of beer. When...
by Norm | Aug 27, 2023 | nerds, podcast
The team quickly finishes dispatching the rest of the brigands before heading off to explore some more. Will they be able to stay out of their own way long enough to survive the lighthouse? Wanderer’s Guide: (Abed Klatch):...
by Norm | Aug 24, 2023 | nerds, podcast
The team meets back up and are forced to make some difficult decisions. Well, maybe not so difficult, but decisions are made and carried out to great effect. Abed uses his Message imploringKain’s response is only, “Exploring!”Next he tells Crew, “Stay there!”The reply...
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